19, Sitaram Nagar, Velachery, Chennai - 42


 'Nurture Nature for Our Future'


To sensitise Students towards Nurturing of Environment, D.A.V. Public School, Velachery, celebrated the 'World Environment Day' on 17th June, 2017. The Entire Programme revolved around the theme 'Connecting People to Nature'.

The Programme commenced with the D.A.V. Gaan followed by Gayathri Mantra. The students of Std VIII decorated the School Premises with 'Thought Provoking Slogans' and  'Posters' stressing on the need to protect and preserve nature. 



                                                                                Posters and Slogans designed by Students of  Std. VIII 


The student of Std X threw light on the importance of  'Going Green' and preserving our environment. The Tenth Graders rendered a mellifluous song that highlighted 'Better Environment, Better Tomorrow'



                                                                           Students of Std. X presenting song about the Better Environment


The 'Talk Show' by Eleventh Graders elucidated the present environmental problems in our country and their solutions.



                                                                                                            Talk Show by Students of Std. XI 


To conclude with the programme, the Students United took an Oath to safeguard the Environment.



                                                                                              Students taking Oath to safeguard Environment


Mrs. Minoo Aggarwal, Principal, reiterated in her speech the role of students in keeping the surroundings clean and healthy and to Preserve and Protect Nature.  



                                                                                        Principal Mrs. Minoo Aggarwal addressing the Students

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