Event Start Date : 18/04/2023 Event End Date 18/04/2023
The 159th Birth Anniversary of Lala Hansraj who is fondly remembered as Mahatma Hansraj by the DAV Family was commemorated in D.A.V Public School, Chennai on 18th April, 2023. The pioneer of Indian Education System and great reformer is a name to reckon in Indian History for his contributions to the society. The Birth Anniversary is the occasion for recounting the inspiring saga and countless sacrifices Mahatma Hansraj has made to people from all walks of life during his era.
The DAVites of Chennai came together to rekindle the priceless tenets of the Arya Samaj Movement and pay tribute to the Mahatma. The bright morning invoked the divine intervention through the Yagya (Havan) and chanting of Mantras. The offerings, the fire and the supplications of the Students of Std. VIII and XII filled an aura of serenity and positive vibrations.
An invigorating cultural programme by the students of Std. VI – XII followed the Havan. The participants brought to the fore the great works of Mahatma Hansrajji.
While the Welcome Speech by Tejaswini shed light on his empathetic nature, the stimulating biography of Mahatma Hansraj by a duo from Std. VI filled the audience with reverence for the icon of social reformation. The “Ten Commandments of Arya Samaj” were presented by the students of Std VII. The visually appealing placards were surely awakening.
The highlight of the Observance and Celebration was to make the students emulate the great legend and follow in his footsteps. This objective crystalized as the Short Drama by the students of Std. VIII unfolded. The characters depicted how Mahatma Hansraj was instrumental in making education accessible even to the poorest of poor. His ideals of Sandhya (Vedic Prayer), Swadhyay (Self Study), SamajSatsang (Religious Sessions of the Arya Samaj), Swadesh (Loyalty to Motherland) and Sewa (Service to Mankind) were thrust upon in the drama.
“AumNaamKaJaapKaro” a soulful bhajan pronounced the significance of chanting AUM. The beautiful rendition by the vocalists of Std. VII- XII added prayerful fervor.
Our beloved Principal, Mrs. Minoo Aggarwal motivated the students to read the literature about the Stalwarts of the worldwide Arya Samaj Movement in order to understand the relevance of the eminent reformers who shaped the society and left behind a legacy for each ARYA to espouse. She narrated anecdotes from the life of Mahatma Hansraj and urged the young Aryas to be compassionate, loving and uphold the values of ‘Simple Living, High Thinking’.
The Celebration also gave impetus to the ‘artistically abled’ a chance to make portraits of Mahatma Hansraj. The creative sketches donned the walls and captivated the onlooker with its fine strokes and precision.