Event Start Date : 05/01/2023 Event End Date 05/01/2023
“Pure Mathematics in its way is the poetry of logical ideas, the music of reason”
‘An enchanting tribute to 'Ramanujan' - The man who knew Infinity - is remembered for his exceptional contribution in the field of Mathematics. To commemorate his 'infinite' contribution towards the subject, 'Ramanujan Day' was celebrated on 5th January 2023 at our School. The students of Class VIII had the honour of hosting the programme.
The celebration commenced with the divine ‘Gayathiri Mantra’ and the gathering was welcomed by Siddarth of VIII B.A mélange of programme was organized and all the students participated with full zest and zeal.
‘Enthralling Cardinals’– Students of Class VI used dance as a unique and creative way to demonstrate the mathematical concepts of Decimals, Square Roots, Exponents, Greater than and Less than followed by a vivid discussion on an ‘Enthralling Number’ – 2520 in various forms.
‘Talk Show’ – Students of Class VII described in detail the life journey of the phenomenal genius ‘Srinivasa Ramanujan’.
‘Story Demonstration’ - Students of Class VIII used the classic fable of ‘Hare and Tortoise’ to illustrate the key facts about Infinity, such as the Symbol of Infinity, the God of Infinity, the Sizes of Infinity and Zeno’s Paradox.
‘Math Marvel’ - Students of Class IX embraced the dance postures of the concept of algebraic expression and geometric and trigonometric functions.
Students of Class X presented the sensational concepts of mathematical functions using the number ‘100’ as a focal point in a unique and interesting way to showcase their understanding of different mathematical concepts and sequences.The number ‘100’ is used to demonstrate the properties and characteristics of different types of mathematical functions such as Harshad numbers, Pentagonal numbers, Leyland numbers, Duffinian numbers, and Loeschian numbers and how each of these sequences is used in different fields of mathematics such as number theory, geometry and algebra.
The mind-blowing performance was praiseworthy and kindled the young learners’ curiosity. The entire programme came in a complete package of facts and figures and proved that there are loads of fun in Learning Mathematics.

Incredible Facts on ‘Infinity’

Fascinating Facts of Magical Number ‘100’

Embracing dance postures of ‘Algebraic Expressions’

Enthralling Postures of Mathematical Concepts

Talk show on ‘Life Journey of Ramanujan’

Fascinating Facts about ‘Infinity’