Event Start Date : 07/12/2022 Event End Date 07/12/2022
On 7th of December 2022, (Wednesday) "Human Rights and Fundamental Duties Day” was celebrated in the school premises from 10.40 am to 11.00 am. Class IX was the host of the programme. The programme began with the chanting of the auspicious 'Gayatri Mantra'.
The welcome address was delivered next by Sanchita Patra, a student of Class IX A.
In the first programme called 'Disquisition on the Fundamental Duties', a speech on the 'Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizens' was delivered by Aarav Sinha of Class VI A.
This was followed by 'Child Rights – Rights for the Future'. A tableau on the important children's rights was presented, outlined on the 'Convention on the Rights of the Child'. Twelve students of Class VIII participated in it.
"Gallery Walk" was the next programme performed by twelve students of Class IX. The audience was taken on a walk down the gallery, where the participants explained briefly the six Fundamental Rights chalked out by the Constitution of India for its citizens.
"Talkathon - An Insight on Human Rights", a programme by four students of Class X, presented a discussion about specific and unique rights of various countries.
The programme concluded with the vote of thanks by Vijayendran, a student of Class IX A, followed by the chanting of the 'Shanti Paath'.

...Child Rights for better Future! by Class VIII Students ‘Gallery Walk’ - by Class IX

All about Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizens - Class VI in Action Let’s know about our Six Fundamental Rights!! – The Placards’ say it all!!

Know it All – Fundamental Rights explained by Class IX Must Remember Fundamental Duties! – Class IX explains in detail