19, Sitaram Nagar, Velachery, Chennai - 42

Event Detail  
Event Start Date : 28/10/2022 Event End Date 28/10/2022


 The United Nations is our one great hope for a peaceful and free world.” – Ralph Bunche

Today’s world is peaceful due to the presence and tireless work of the United Nations. To recognize and celebrate its contribution, D.A.V Public School observed United Nations Day on 28th October 2022. The hosts, Std. VIII collaborated with their peers of Std VI to X and brightened the event with their diverse programmes.

The Commemoration commenced with the Master of Ceremony giving a brief introduction to the importance of the day followed by a warm welcome extended to the audience.

Class VI students gave a dynamic start with a rhythmic dance performance on UN Day song that highlighted the achievements of the UN.

Class VII put up a powerful skit that discussed the Disintegration of the League of Nations and Formation of the United Nations after the Second World War.

The hosts of the day, Std. VIII delved deep into the theme of the year – International Year of Artisan Fishing and Aquaculture. Interspersed with songs and dance, the students brought out the objectives and Action Plan of the UN in promoting artisan fishing and aquaculture.

Class IX students presented an serious discussion on the UN’s stand on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

The representatives of the School’s MUN Club Simulated / Demonstrated the function of the United Nations in maintaining peace in the world. The Seconded MUNNERS eloquently shared their take ways from their participation in different MUNs and why students need to actively participate in this form.

The programme ended with words of gratitude for making the programme informative and entertaining with the wide array of programmes and followed by Shanti Paat.



                                     Dazzling dance on UNO's achievements                                                                     Skit on Disintegration of League of Nations 


                                           Fishing Fortunes - Global Goals                                                                               Colloquy on RUSSIA- UKRAINE War


                                                UN - The Peacekeeper                                                                                                The Seasoned MUNNERS



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