Event Start Date : 26/10/2022 Event End Date 26/10/2022
The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), an apex integrity institution of the country, in its endeavour to promote transparency, accountability and integrity in public life, has been declaring the observance of Vigilance Awareness Week every year to encourage the fight against corruption. During the week long activities, Institutions and Organisations all over the Country come together to ‘uproot malpractices and uphold Integrity’. A day is also dedicated to Vigilance Awareness and the fountain head of Unity and Integrity. – Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
The students of Class X hosted the Vigilance Awareness Day on 26th October, 2022 with an array of informative programmes to generate awareness about the ill effects of corruption. The day’s programme revolved around this year’s theme ‘Corruption free India for a Developed Nation’.
The momentous day commenced with the DAV Gaan followed by the blissful chanting of divine Gayatri Mantra. While Sujitha Shree accorded a warm welcome to the assembly of learners, Rayyan and Abhijith brought out the significance of celebrating Vigilance Awareness Day through an interactive conversation.
The enthusiastic Sixth graders performed a Thematic Courtroom Scene depicting the message, Truth only Triumphs. The students of Class VII enlightened the audience about the Central Vigilance Commission Act to make India a corruption-free nation.
A Talk Show by the students of Class VIII focused on the contribution of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel to India’s Nation Building.
The special feature of the day’s programme was a Mime Show by the students of Class IX throwing light on the message ‘Vigilant India, Prosperous India’. ‘Gallery Walk’ by the students of Class X was a display of eye catchy posters delineating the eradication of social evils such as Corruption, Nepotism, Money Laundering, Drug Trafficking and Human Trafficking with an aim ‘To Make India a Super Power’.
In the thought provoking ‘Tableau’ presented by Class XI and XII, few sequences on how to be vigilant at all times and guard our minds from negative thoughts like bribery and corruption depicted, Integrity- the way of life.
‘Integrity Pledge’ was taken by all staff members and students assuring to perform all tasks in an honest and transparent manner.
The Vigilance Awareness Day Celebrations concluded with the Vote of Thanks and Shanti Paat. The day was indeed illuminating and drove home the message ‘Vigilance begins with You’.

Truth alone Triumphs - Dramatic Courtroom Scene Description on Central Vigilance Commission Act

Talk Show on Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s Contribution to Mime Show on Vigilant India, Prosperous India
India’s Nation Building

Gallery Walk on Fight against Corruption Tableau depicting ‘Combat Corruption’

Integrity Pledge taken by Staff and Students