Event Start Date : 29/08/2022 Event End Date 29/08/2022
National Sports Day 2022 was commemorated on 29th August by D.A.V. Public School, Chennai with great fanfare. The Physical Education Department and students of Std.VII shouldered the responsibility of executing the fun filled programme in cognizance with fitness consciousness.
The programme commenced with the VII graders chanting the Gayatri Mantra and glorifying India’s Sporting Legend, Major Dhyan Chand in the Welcome Speech. A self composed poem by Dhun Tandon was a fitting tribute to the Icon, whose Birth Anniversary is commemorated as National Sports Day.
A reverberating ‘Prop’ dance marked the viewers’ ‘tryst with fitness’. The dancers moved and grooved to lilting music, flaunting several sports equipment. The diverse moves and distinct props showcased the flexibility and stamina of the performers .
A whole host of emerging champions of our School in several sporting spheres was introduced during the programme. The Achievers who had earned a berth at the State Level and National Level were commended for their commitment to the Sport and winning laurels. The promising talent of sports lovers across Std. IV- X became the cynosure of all eyes.
A Perfect Demonstration of all forms and styles of Karate backed by a live commentary conveyed to the spellbound audience the essence of the Martial Art and the techniques for self defence. The trained students, Sahana Mitra, Vedanga and Monish of Std. VIII deftly highlighted how Karate can encourage Self Discipline and hone Leadership Skills.
The Traditional Sports – Silambam and Uriyadi, home to Tamil Nadu were presented by the students of Std. IX with élan. The display of the nuances of these two customary sports had some breath taking moments. Sampling the display was a symbolic representation of accuracy and expertise.
The Kinesthetic Energy of the whole Celebration was also channelized into an ‘Intellectual Exercise’. A grueling Quiz on the Common Wealth Games was hosted by Std. X much to the delight of all the students.
The curtains of the Programme came down with the Profuse expression of gratitude from the Seventh Graders and a Vow to Live Healthy and Make India Healthy.

A ‘Prop’ Dance flaunting Sports Equipment

The emerging Champions of our School with their laurels A demonstration of techniques in Karate for Self Defence

‘Uriyadi’ – a traditional sport for fun and Precision A Quiz on Common Wealth Games by Std. X

Art of Silambam – ‘Say it with Sticks’