Bharat Vikas Parishad organises the 'National Group Singing Competition - 2017-18' across the country to keep the tradition of Music alive among School Students.
Students of D.A.V. Public School participated this year too in the District Level Competition held on 19.08.2017 and competed with seven other city Schools.
8 vocalists of Std. VI to X were accompanied by Srinivas. D of Std. XI on the Mrindagam, Nikil of Std. VIII on the H+armonium and Mr. Srishant Kumar Patnaik, teacher of Music on the Tabla and Dholak. To add a unique touch to the performance, students danced gracefully to the folk song.
The group clinched the First Place in the Hindi Patriotic Song, Second Place in the Sanskrit Patriotic Song and Tamil Folk song and Third Place in the Tamil Patriotic Song.
The resonating rendition and the graceful dance mesmerised the audience. The judges appreciated the composition and the passionate involvement of the performers.
By virtue of this talented performance, the group qualified for the State Level competition to be held during October, 2017. They will render the patriotic song in Hindi and Sanskrit.
Rendition of Hindi Patriotic Song by DAVites DAVites Performing Tamil Folk Song
Dr. Gayathri Venkatesan, Carnatic Vocalist felicitating the DAVites Winners with the Rolling Trophy