19, Sitaram Nagar, Velachery, Chennai - 42

Event Detail  
Event Start Date : 20/06/2023 Event End Date 20/06/2023


‘If there is magic on this planet,  it is contained in water.’ – Loren Eisely


World water day is observed on 22nd March every year. The  theme of ‘World Water Day’  2023 is ‘Accelerating Change’. The theme signifies the importance of appropriately using water in humans daily needs.

The World Water Day programme was observed in our school on 20th June 2023 and class VIII was the host.

The Masters of the Ceremony Swetha, VIII B and Tejaswini R, VIII D commenced the Celebration with an introduction to World Water Day and highlighting this year’s theme.

After seeking the blessings of the Almighty the gathering was welcomed by Rishita Manathi of VIII D.

The students of class VIII quoted the “Thirukkural” and “Dohe” to show how Indian Literature has highlighted the importance of water.

Enthusiastic Students of Class VI depicted the journey of water through their graceful movements accompanied by music. They also showed the changes water undergoes due to inappropriate actions of mankind.

With insightful messages on placards, Class VII students discussed the importance of World Water Day and conservation of water in a productive way. This endeavour gave us an encouragement to contribute more for our world to make it blue.

 “Water is the mother liquid of all forms of life.” Our students of Class IX presented an innovative schedule using an ‘on stage’ clock  to educate the audience on water requirements of our internal organs and how drinking water at regular intervals promotes physical well being.

“A mime makes the invisible visible” Our Class X magicians made the invisible  visible by giving  their mesmerising  mime around the theme of 2023 ‘Accelerating Change’ and the significance of water cycle and made us to think what we are doing to our Mother Earth and crisply taught us what not to be done for our nation.

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul....To dance is to be out of yourself ”  

Our rockstars of Class VIII made us go through a myriad of emotions ranging from despair, expectation, happiness and finally euphoria when they depicted these emotions through a dance medley. The audience was also drenched in the showers of joy.

The first celebration of the year set the tone for the rest of the year with lots of information,  innovation and entertainment.

The programme ended with a formal note of gratitude by Harish P.


Pantomime on Hydrological cycle  


Journey of water through graceful movements


Powerful placards on Water Conservation   


Water schedule for good wealth


Showers of Water and Happy Farmers


Pledge to Conserve Water  



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