Event Start Date : 26/01/2023 Event End Date 26/01/2023
D.A.V. Public School, Velachery, Chennai, celebrated the 74th Republic Day with great enthusiasm on 26 January, 2023. The School campus was beautifully decorated with orange, white and green balloons- representing the colours of the National Flag - to commemorate the day.
All the students, teachers and non-teaching staff gathered at the School premises at 7:15 a.m. This year Class IX students were the hosts and participated in the programme.
The programme started at 7:30 a.m. The anchors of the programme, Sanskriti of Class IX- B and Hasini of Class IX - E invited on stage Divya Darshini of Class IX - E to deliver the ‘Welcome Address’.
Next the Tricolour Flag was hoisted by the Respected Principal Madam, Mrs. Minoo Aggarwal. She was accompanied by a representative of parents, students, PT teachers, and non- teaching staff. This was followed by the singing of the National Anthem together by everyone present there.
The “Flag Song” in Tamil was sung by a group of Class IX students next. This was followed by the ‘Students’ Pledge to the Nation' lead by Sree Mukund Arun Nambiar of class IX-A. Some informative snippets related to the drafting of the Constitution and Republic Day were provided next accompanied with enactment through a ‘Mime’ performed by the Class IX boys.
The students presented the next programme called “Significance of Gallantry Awards". In this informative programme the students provided detailed information about all the major gallantry awards awarded by our nation to its citizens to honour the acts of bravery and sacrifice of the officers or the personnel of the armed forces, other lawfully constituted forces and civilians.
The choir group of Class IX next presented a programme called “Chanson Patrioque” in which they rendered a song in 15 different languages.
It was the turn of a dance programme called "Harmony in Diversity" next, choreographed and performed by Class IX students on the theme of patriotism in India among its diverse cultures and languages. This was a multilingual programme where the students danced along with songs of different regions and states of India.
The anchors next invited Respected Principal Madam, Mrs. Minoo Aggarwal to address the gathering. In her address she inspired the students to grow up to be responsible, patriotic and disciplined citizens of India.
The programme concluded by Jeremiah Thomas Jithu of Class IX B giving the ‘Vote of Thanks’. Before dispersal, sweets were distributed to everyone present.