Event Start Date : 07/09/2022 Event End Date 07/09/2022
The Annual Harvest Festival of Kerala - ONAM was celebrated with great zeal and gaiety on 7th September, 2022 at the Assembly Ground of D.A.V. Public School, Chennai 42. The Captivating Custom, Charisma and Culture of the 10-day long festival were brought alive by the enthusiastic students of Std. II,III, IV and V, while Std III played host to the Celebration.
The School was all decked up to accord a welcome to the Legendary Mahabali! The stunning Pookalam (Floral Carpet) in the rich hues was a feast to the eye of the beholder and stole many a heart. The traditional “off white” apparels donned by men and women on the auspicious occasion exemplified Ente Keralam.
The Formal Celebration was initiated by the students of Std. III with a Story Narration of King Mahabali and his Annual Visit to Kerala. The narrators enraptured the audience with the history and significance of Onam.
The key component of the Onam Festivities is the array of dances. While the elegant dancers of Std.II gracefully performed the ‘Thiruvathirakalli’ to the evergreen melody of ‘Onapattin thallam thullum’, the danseuses of Std. IV synchronized to a magical ‘Kaikottikali’. The musical tone shifted from the soft music to the thumping beats as the dancers of Std. III rocked the stage with an ethnic dance rendition to the tunes of ‘Ponnonam’ .
A fascinating exhibition by the students of Std IV transported the audience to ‘God’s Own Country’. The montages depicted the age old customs of Vallamkali (Snake Boat Race), Vadamvali (Tug of War), Pulikali (Tiger Dance) and many more that punctuates the gala festival.
The Principal, Mrs. Minoo Aggarwal appreciated the efforts of the entire team that told a beautiful tale in the most mesmerizing manner. She also thanked the Rain Gods for making it a pleasant and cool day.
The Celebration truly encapsulated that “Greatness of a Culture can be found in its festivals”.

Thiruvathira The nimble fingers work on a beautiful pookolam

The famous ‘Vallamkali’ replicated by the students Tug of war (Vadamvali) - a test of strength

The arrival of King Mahabali much to the rejoicing of the Keralites ‘Kaikottikali’